Upcoming Events
Church Schedule
Sunday Worship Service: 10 AM in the Sanctuary
Holy Communion: First Sunday of each month
Sunday School: during 10 AM worship in the Fellowship House for ages 0-12 (childcare and class)
Choir Rehearsal: Sunday Mornings at 9:15 AM before Worship in the choir room in Fellowship House
Deacons Meeting: Second Sunday of each month at 11 AM
Session: Second Sunday of the month after worship
Weekly Bible Study: Mondays at 12 Noon from October-April in the Fellowship House
Truck Stop Bible Study: Wednesday at 7 PM at the Travel Centers of America in Columbia, NJ
Artists in Residence Program: Meets on the first Saturday of every month, 9 AM-1:30 PM at the Fellowship House
Events on Campus
Activities Taking Place at Church
Alcoholics Anonymous: Meets in Fellowship House on Wednesday and Sunday evenings at 8 PM.
Girl Scouts: Meet on Thursday afternoons during the school year.
Church Events Open to the Public
Hiker’s Dinners: Every Thursday at 6 PM mid-May through mid-August.
Summer Concert Series: Every Sunday at 6 PM June through August.